Friday, October 11, 2013


My husband spotted a pair of Monarchs in the garden this week!
I was beginning to wonder if they'd ever grace our yard again.
We've had several different butterfly varieties, all beautiful and
spectacular in their own way. I truly adore them all.
Yet, with Monarchs, I feel a twinge of sadness when they haven't made an appearance.
Almost a sense of panic and worry. I'm so relieved they stopped by!
Our wildflower garden boasts gigantic marigolds. I've never witnessed such big, bountiful beauties!
The Monarchs LOVED them!
Their color is magnificent! A harbinger of autumn...
I feel incredibly lucky to have captured such intimate shots.
We haven't seen them since.



  1. I am so glad I took a minute to pop over here!!! Your Butterfly images are wonderful! I didn't know butterflies were attracted to marigolds. We generally don't plant them as we have a perennial garden - but next year - marigolds!!!

  2. I know! Who knew??
    We usually have a vegetable garden in this spot but every year, it seems a new disease or bug pops up. Decided to take a break from the veggies and sprinkled a few packs of generic wildflower seeds. The marigolds are 3-4 feet tall! The Monarchs only went to them, bypassing the zinnias and all other flowers. I was surprised!
    Thanks for looking. :)

  3. Those are TRULY incredible shots!

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Brenda....I was thinking of you!
