We found her on Craigslist one year ago. She was 6 years old and was rescued from a breeder. Her name was Libby and we estimate she's had dozens of puppies in her life! Retirement has been wonderful for her...she's not remotely the same dog as when we adopted her.
She was pretty messy and we wondered if she'd ever been groomed properly. She had an ear infection and half her teeth were missing. We brought her home, changed her name and cleaned her up...my husband groomed her. She started going for regular walks and playing fetch. It was quite a transformation! She answered to her new name almost immediately.
She's such a great girl and seems genuinely thrilled to be here. Gets along with everyone, happy all the time, eager to please. And funny! In her mind, she's a large dog with a fearless attitude.
She somehow manages to throw the big bulldog Fannie out of bed~
And she loves to kick Willie off daddy's lap and hog it all to herself.
What a stinker!
What a wonderful dog story and great pics, too!