Sunday, February 16, 2014

I'm Back!

The past few months have been a blur. The holidays, our San Diego trip, the flu, my back going out, the snow, the snow, the snow. Did I mention the snow?
Both hubby and I picked up the flu in California. The day after returning home, we were sick in bed. He fared better, only suffering for a few days. Mine clung. Seemingly forever. Fevers of 104+. Coupled with my back issues, I was in bed for most of January.
I snapped this beauty from my phone after hobbling home from the doctor and immediately climbing into temp was a mere 102. Don't you love my rash?
Glad that's over! Now to get my back problems resolved. I'm in Physical Therapy and getting better. My pain level is a consistent 3-4, opposed to the 6-7 when I began.
San Diego was glorious! I love it when the temps during the day are in the 70s and nights in the 50s. Perfect!
The day before our departure, we hit the antique district and the beach. I was in heaven.
We returned home to this:

Thankfully, our son lives right around the block. He took the best care of us!
Shopping (we had NO food, as we were gone for 10 days), drug store runs, snow shoveling.
All that after caring for our two dogs while we were away and picking us up from the airport in a near blizzard. We have the GREATEST son in the world!
Look at the snow hat on my garden gargoyle. There's even a snow pom-pom on top:
Remember this one of Fannie in the garden path?
Here's Fannie and the garden path today:
Who's ready for spring?

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